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Displaying from Monday, September 11, 2017
 September 2017
Monday 11
18:00 - EVENT - WA Department of Health Youth Health Policy Community Conversation #2 : If you are 13-24 we want to hear your thoughts on the new Youth Health Policy! Website | More Information
Are you aged 13 - 24? We want to hear from YOU! We want to find out what you think about health services for young people. The WA Department of Health wants to hear from people aged 13 – 24 about the WA Youth Health Policy. You are invited to come along and share your thoughts and ideas.

Tuesday 12
16:00 - EVENT - Psychology Colloquium: Early intervention for cognitive decline and dementia: targeting modifiable risk factors (Prof Sharon Naismith, University of Sydney) More Information
Psychology Colloquium

Tuesday 12th September 4:00-5:00pm in Bayliss MCS G.33, followed by post-talk drinks in the Psychology Courtyard (or, in bad weather, the Psychology Common Room, 2nd floor of main psychology building)

Presenter: Prof Sharon Naismith (University of Sydney)< (...)
Wednesday 20
17:00 - EVENT - Psychology Postgraduate Information Session (For 2018 Postgraduate Programs) More Information
Join us at our information session to find out about the Psychology postgraduate programs at UWA.

Students who possess or expect to gain an honours degree (or equivalent) in Psychology are encouraged to attend the information sessions for the postgraduate programs offered by the School (...)

 October 2017
Tuesday 03
16:00 - EVENT - Psychology Colloquium: From clinical to pre-clinical research - using animal models to understand the neurobiology of schizophrenia (E/Prof Pat Michie, University of Newcastle) More Information
Psychology Colloquium

Tuesday 3rd October 4:00-5:00pm in Bayliss MCS G.33, followed by post-talk drinks in the Psychology Courtyard (or, in bad weather, the Psychology Common Room, 2nd floor of main psychology building)

Presenter: E/Prof Pat Michie (University of Newcastle)
Thursday 12
18:00 - FUNDRAISER - From Perth to Antarctica: A Leadership Journey for Women in Science : Team WA Homeward Bound 2018 fundraiser celebrating WA women in science Website | More Information
*Requires ticket - pruchase via Eventbrite or Chuffed (links at end)*

Join Team WA Homeward Bound 2018 for a lively evening of conversation and celebration on behalf of WA women in science. In a provocative moderated discussion, panelists share stories and insights from their leadership (...)
Monday 16
14:00 - SYMPOSIUM - The Clever Country: The importance of investing in regional and remote students Website | More Information
This symposium brings together a panel of experts from across Australia to discuss ways to support regional and remote students to succeed in higher education. The purpose is to explore the value of investing in higher education from the perspective of the individual, community and the university (...)
Tuesday 31
16:00 - TALK - Psychology Colloquium : A/Prof Liz Rieger (ANU): Current Controversies and Future Directions in the Treatment of Obesity More Information
Title: Current Controversies and Future Directions in the Treatment of Obesity.

Abstract: How to best support adults with obesity is a significant research and clinical challenge, not only because of the high prevalence of obesity but also due to its seeming intransient nature both in (...)

 November 2017
Tuesday 21
12:30 - SYMPOSIUM - Computational Modelling in Health & Disease Symposium Website | More Information
On November 21st, Dr Barry Doyle is holding a Computational Modelling in Health and Disease Symposium to showcase some of the exciting ways computers and computational models are being used for medical research, with applications ranging from haemodynamics to artificial intelligence. This event (...)
Thursday 23
12:00 - SEMINAR - Not-for-profit Research Hub : An interdisciplinary hub for not-for-profit researchers to share ideas More Information
The not-for-profit sector constitutes a major part of society and the economy, both in Australia and internationally. And yet, as a sector, it remains under-researched.

With the recent arrival of Professor David Gilchrist at UWA, we hope to address this imbalance by creating an (...)

 February 2018
Tuesday 13
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - How Remembering Causes Forgetting : A public lecture by Professor Amy H. Criss, Psychology, Syracuse University Website | More Information
Humans rely on memory at nearly every moment: we use our memories of the past to predict the future, and memory is essential to our concept of self. Nevertheless, our memory for the details of events is imperfect. Some details of an event are forgotten and other details can be falsely remembered (...)
Tuesday 20
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Personality, Values, Culture, Evolution � why are we similar and yet so different? : Public lecture by Ronald Fischer, Center for Applied Cross-Cultural Research, Victoria University of Wellington Website | More Information
Humans are complex social beings. Curious observers through the ages have noted the dramatic differences in human behaviour around the world. How similar or different are our personalities? To understand human behaviour, an integrated perspective is required – one which considers both what we (...)

 March 2018
Tuesday 13
16:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Toward a Multifactorial Theory of Expertise: Beyond Born vs. Made : Psychology Colloquium More Information
The debate over the origins of individual differences in expertise has raged on for over a century in psychology. The “nature” view holds that expertise reflects “innate talent”—that is, genetically-determined abilities. The “nurture” view counters that if talent even exists, its (...)
Tuesday 20
13:00 - TALK - Autism from people not just textbooks More Information
Robyn Steward is a researcher, author, educator and campaigner on the autism spectrum and passionate about including the perspectives of people on the autism spectrum in research, especially on topics which are important to them. She endeavours to ensure these perspectives are heard by the (...)

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Knowing Autism Website | More Information
A public lecture by Liz Pellicano, Professor of Educational Studies, Macquarie University.

In this presentation, Liz will argue that truly understanding autism – knowing autism – requires both objective and subjective understandings, experiences and expertise, that is, listening (...)
Tuesday 27
16:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Perceiving Facial Identity in Own- vs. Other-Race Faces: New Insights About Why Our Perception of Identity in Other-Race Faces is so Error-Prone : Psychology Colloquium More Information
Recognizing facial identity is challenging: Two photos of the same person can look quite different and photos of two different people can look very similar. Making decisions about photo identification—something passport officers, eyewitnesses and shop clerks do every day—is error prone (...)

 May 2018
Tuesday 15
16:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Early intervention for cognitive decline and dementia: Targeting modifiable risk factors : Psychology Colloquium More Information
With the increasing ageing population, the number of people living with dementia will quadruple by 2050. Since there are no effective cures for dementia, there is increasing emphasis on targeting modifiable risk factors, which account for 30-50% of the total risk. In this talk, Prof Naismith will (...)

 June 2018
Thursday 28
17:00 - OPEN DAY - Telethon Kids Institute (Centre for Child Health Research) - Prospective Student Evening : An information evening for students interested in completing HDR or Honours courses at the Telethon Kids Institute Website | More Information
Telethon Kids Institute (UWA's Centre for Child Health Research) invites all prospective Honours, M.D., and higher degree by research students to join us for the evening to learn more about becoming a student with us!

Our supervisors will be speaking to students about their student (...)

 July 2018
Tuesday 17
13:00 - SEMINAR - Seminar : School of Human Sciences Seminar Series - 17 July More Information
Associate Professor Stine Brandt Bering is a researcher within Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She graduated as a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology) from The Technical University of Denmark in 2001, and subsequently pursued her PhD (...)

 September 2018
Wednesday 05
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - The Feeling of Eugenics Website | More Information
A public lecture by Rob Wilson, Professor of Philosophy, La Trobe University and 2018 UWA Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellow.

Familiarity with the eugenic past, particularly that associated with the Holocaust, has primed a wariness about the potential misuse of new ventures in (...)
Tuesday 18
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Young people�s mental health - the what, why and how of supporting young people with mental health problems : The 2018 Robin Winkler Memorial Lecture by Professor Debra Rickwood Website | More Information
The 2018 Robin Winkler Lecture by Debra Rickwood, Professor of Psychology at the University of Canberra.

Youth mental health is of growing concern in Australia and internationally. It is now well-recognised that most mental health problems first emerge before the age of 25, and often (...)

There are 33 more future events in this calendar

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