EVENT: WA Department of Health Youth Health Policy Community Conversation #2
WA Department of Health Youth Health Policy Community Conversation #2 : If you are 13-24 we want to hear your thoughts on the new Youth Health Policy! |
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Are you aged 13 - 24? We want to hear from YOU! We want to find out what you think about health services for young people. The WA Department of Health wants to hear from people aged 13 – 24 about the WA Youth Health Policy. You are invited to come along and share your thoughts and ideas.
We want to hear from everyone; people who are well and healthy, those with chronic conditions, people with a disability, refugees or migrants, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex, those living in rural and remote areas... we want to hear from you all!
Free pizza, refreshments and small payment provided.
There will be four community conversations in the metropolitan area, one in Bunbury and one in Broome. Visit our website http://bit.ly/IPIRevents for all dates and venues.
Included in the following Calendars: |
- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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