SYMPOSIUM: Computational Modelling in Health & Disease Symposium
On November 21st, Dr Barry Doyle is holding a Computational Modelling in Health and Disease Symposium to showcase some of the exciting ways computers and computational models are being used for medical research, with applications ranging from haemodynamics to artificial intelligence.
This event brings together researchers from UWA, Murdoch University, and Curtin University, as well as guests from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Melbourne and Griffith University in Queensland. For those working in this area, this should be a great opportunity to meet with existing colleagues as well as make new connections. For others, come learn about the amazing ways that computers and computational methods can help better understand physiology and help improve the way we treat patients.
The venue for the symposium is the G24 Seminar Room at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. Please remember to RSVP, via the link below. The event will begin at 12.30pm after the NHMRC info session that is on in the McCusker Auditorium.
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