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Displaying from Tuesday, July 14, 2015
 July 2015
Tuesday 14
18:30 - TALK - The Most Good You Can Do *SOLD OUT* : A conversation with Peter Singer Website | More Information
Peter Singer's challenging new book 'The Most Good You Can Do' has the power to change the way people think about how they live. Professor Singer presents a challenging new movement called 'Effective Altruism' in the search for an ethical life.

In this special Perth event, Professor (...)
Thursday 23
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Species Richness on our Nutrient-Impoverished Soils - Help for Perth Gardeners : The 2015 George Seddon Lecture Website | More Information
Professor Hans Lambers, School of Plant Biology, UWA, will highlight the importance of maintaining Perth's biodiversity through our gardens and verges. South-western Australia is a global biodiversity hotspot, where the greatest plant diversity is found on the most severely phosphorus-impoverished (...)
Monday 27
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Systems Theory in Power Electronics: Methods, Applications and Case Studies Website | More Information
A public lecture by Michael Tse, Chair, Electronic Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and 2015 IAS Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Much of the power electronics discipline has been built upon the application of circuits and systems theory. However, in the process of developing (...)

 August 2015
Monday 03
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Implications of Telomere Maintenance in Aging-Related Processes and Diseases : The 2015 Ian Constable Lecture Website | More Information
Nobel Laureate Professor Elizabeth H. Blackburn is a leader in the area of telomere and telomerase research. She discovered the molecular nature of telomeres - the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes that serve as protective caps essential for preserving the genetic information - and the (...)
Wednesday 05
16:00 - PUBLIC TALK - The Two Things We Can Do with Computers, or The Big Picture Website | More Information
A digital humanities lecture by Willard McCarty, Professor of Humanities Computing, King's College London.

In this talk Professor McCarty will begin with a brief discussion of modelling then sketch the history of simulation from its origins in the physical and social sciences to its (...)

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - How to win a fight about the budget: How economic modelling is used to circumvent democracy and shut down debate Website | More Information
An On the Edge public lecture by Richard Denniss, Executive Director, The Australia Institute.

The Federal Budget and much economic discussion is based on economic modelling. People who use economic models want you to think that modelling is boring. The last thing they want you to do is (...)
Thursday 06
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Photonic integrated circuits for the new information age: Faster, smaller and smarter : A 2015 International Year of Light Lecture Website | More Information
A public lecture by Professor Benjamin J. Eggleton, Director, ARC Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS)

Photonic integrated circuits use light rather than electrons to perform a wide variety of optical functions. Recent developments in nanotechnology have (...)
Monday 10
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Nanotechnology: Do We Live in Richard Feynman�s Science Fiction? Website | More Information
A public lecture by Axel Lorke, Chair, Faculty of Physics and CENIDE, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany and 2015 UWA Gledden Visiting Fellow.

In 1959, Richard Feynman, one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century, delivered a lecture, titled 'There's Plenty of Room at (...)
Tuesday 11
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Ageing and Wellbeing Website | More Information
A public lecture by Kaisu Pitkala, Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care at the University of Helsinki and 2015 IAS Short Stay Visiting Fellow.

This lecture will deal with issues related to older peoples well-being, how it has developed over the last decades and how it (...)
Thursday 13
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Pacific Solutions? Contexts, consequences, and legacies of Asian migration and deportation in the USA and Australia Website | More Information
In this international panel, three scholars will place the current Australian and American debates about immigration control, detention, and deportation in historical contexts, discussing the origins and consequences of policies in each country, and the conditions that drive migrants from their (...)
Monday 17
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Hell Sounds, Birdsongs and Zeppelins: Emotions, Memory and the Soundscape of the Great War : The 2015 Fred Alexander Lecture Website | More Information
The 2015 Fred Alexander Lecture by Joy Damousi, Professor of History and ARC Laureate Fellow, University of Melbourne.

This lecture considers the ways in which the sounds of the battlefield and the home front during the Great War defined the memory of the war and elicited a range of (...)
Wednesday 19
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Uranium: Critical to a Clean Energy Future : 2015 ATSE Lecture Website | More Information
A public lecture by Dr Vanessa Guthrie, Managing Director and CEO of Toro Energy Limited and 2015 ATSE Eminent Speaker.

In this talk, Dr Vanessa Guthrie will uncover the science and facts behind the mining and use of uranium globally, and bust a few of the myths that have circulated for (...)
Thursday 20
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Agricultural changes in the Argentinean Pampas Website | More Information
A public lecture by Gustavo Striker, Assistant Professor, University of Buenos Aires.

For 100 to 120 years, agriculture in the Pampas traditionally consisted of a sequence of arable crops alternated with sown pastures for livestock production. However, during the last two-to-three (...)
Monday 24
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Science in Western Australia Website | More Information
A public lecture by Professor Peter Klinken, Chief Scientist of Western Australia.

Western Australia has become a world leader in mining, petroleum and agricultural industries, all strongly based on science. In addition, the application of science in processing methods has allowed the (...)
Wednesday 26
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Biofilms: The slimy world that beneficial and harmful bacteria live in Website | More Information
A public lecture by Sarah Codd, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Montana State University and 2015 UWA Gledden Visiting Fellow.

This presentation will cover the range of places where biofilms are found naturally in the environment, where they can be beneficially (...)
Monday 31
18:00 - PUBLIC LECTURE - Chaos and Randomness: the global climate, technological development and a career in science Website | More Information
A public lecture by Joseph Seymour, co-Director of the Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, Montana State University.

The way in which a teacher leads students is reflected by their own experiences and scientific understanding. Professor Seymour will discuss how his own journey into a life in (...)

 September 2015
Monday 07
9:00 - EVENT - 2015 UWA Research Week Website | More Information
Whatever your idea of impossible might be, visit UWA 7 - 11 September for Research Week and discover the possibilities when we showcase UWA Research and its contribution to local and global communities. With over 40 events, there is sure to be something that ignites your interest.

Explore (...)

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - A Good Night's Sleep: Sleep disorders and the shape of your face : A UWA Research Week Event Website | More Information
A public lecture by Professor Peter Eastwood, Centre for Sleep Science, and Associate Professor Ajmal Mian, Machine Intelligence Group, UWA.

In this lecture Professor Eastwood will discuss the causes of sleep apnoea and its current treatments. He will then talk about the causes of sleep (...)
Thursday 10
9:00 - EVENT - 3MT competition : Competitors are challenged to explain their research in an engaging way in 3 minutes. Website | More Information
Semi-finals from 9.15 - 12.00. Finals from 3-5pm.

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Coastal Science - Reflections on the past and present and ideas for the future : A UWA Research Week Event Website | More Information
The 2015 Joseph Gentilli Memorial Lecture by Bruce Thom AM FTSE FIAG, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney.

This lecture will offer some personal examples of where coastal science has been of use, where it has been ignored, and where it could be of value in the (...)

There are 318 more future events in this calendar

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