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Displaying from Thursday, September 10, 2015
 September 2015
Thursday 10
9:00 - EVENT - 3MT competition : Competitors are challenged to explain their research in an engaging way in 3 minutes. Website | More Information
Semi-finals from 9.15 - 12.00. Finals from 3-5pm.

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Coastal Science - Reflections on the past and present and ideas for the future : A UWA Research Week Event Website | More Information
The 2015 Joseph Gentilli Memorial Lecture by Bruce Thom AM FTSE FIAG, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney.

This lecture will offer some personal examples of where coastal science has been of use, where it has been ignored, and where it could be of value in the (...)
Saturday 12
13:00 - EVENT - The Story of Lustre: Shedding light on how a community-based exhibition evolved : A UWA Research Week Event Website | More Information
A presentation by exhibition curators Maya Shioji and Bart Pigram, Nyamba Buru Yawuru (Broome) and the WA Museum, with an introduction by Dr Sven Ouzman, Centre for Rock Art Management, UWA.

'Lustre' is a story told from the inside to an outside world. As such, its curation has been (...)
Tuesday 15
17:00 - EVENT - The History of the Faculty of Agriculture: The rise and fall of a university icon : An informal UWA Historical Society event Website | More Information
UWAHS Members and friends are invited to this short presentation by E/Prof David Lindsay on the history of the Faculty of Agriculture at UWA. This is an opportunity to meet others interested in the history of the University and its Faculty of Agriculture.
Wednesday 16
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - De-Radicalisation - Community-Led Intervention in Australia Website | More Information
An On the Edge lecture by Dr Clarke Jones, Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet), ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.

With the arrest rate of young terrorist offenders likely to increase in the near term, Australian courts are faced with the difficult (...)
Monday 21
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - No-take Marine Reserves Provide Benefits to Biodiversity, Science and Education : Can they also optimise yield for fisheries in data poor situations? Website | More Information
A public lecture by Tim Langlois and Jordan Goetze, UWA Oceans Institute

No-take marine reserves have been recognised to provide benefits to biodiversity conservation, science, education and tourism. They have also been suggested as a tool for fisheries management where data is limited (...)
Thursday 24
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - What Colour Are Your Eyes? : A 2015 International Year of Light Lecture Website | More Information
A public lecture by Professor David Mackey, Managing Director of the Lions Eye Institute and Director, Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at UWA.

It seems like the simplest question in the world and it is one of the fundamental ways in which we define appearance. But did you (...)
Tuesday 29
17:00 - EVENT - Presentation by Dr Huang Qinguo, Chinese Consul General in Perth : A presentation in commemoration of the end of WWII in Asia Website | More Information
A presentation in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII in Asia

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Blurring Boundaries � the role of the artist in social history, responsibility and ethical choices Website | More Information
A public lecture by Mayu Kanamori, 2015 IAS Artist-in-Residence.

Mayu Kanamori's most recent work 'Yasukichi Murakami: Through a Distant Lens' is a theatre work about the life of historical photographer Yasukichi Murakami and the modern day search of his missing photographs.

Wh (...)
Wednesday 30
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Criminalising dissent: Social movements and the erosion of protest rights Website | More Information
A public lecture by Greg Martin, Senior Lecturer in Socio-Legal Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sydney

This lecture will consider how criminologists have engaged in debates about human rights largely by looking at state crimes perpetrated by repressive (...)

 October 2015
Monday 05
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - The Wonders of Creation and the Singularities of Painting : An illustrated Arabic manuscript from the early 14th century Website | More Information
A public lecture by Stefano Carboni, Director, Art Gallery of Western Australia and Adjunct Professor of Islamic Art, The University of Western Australia.

The subject of this lecture is the so-called London Qazvini, an early 14th-century illustrated Arabic copy of an encyclopaedia of (...)
Tuesday 06
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Venus, Earth's sister planet: Clues about Earth's early evolution Website | More Information
A public lecture by Vicki Hansen, McKnight Presidential Professor of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Minnesota, Duluth and 2015 UWA Gledden Visiting Fellow.

Earth's so-called Archean Era, which ended 2.5 billion years ago, marks a time during which the Earth was a completely (...)
Wednesday 07
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - How to define time without presupposing time? Website | More Information
A public lecture by Paul Baird, Professeur Classe Exceptionnelle, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Laboratoire de Mathematiques de Bretagne Atlantique

This question is the last of J. A. Wheeler's four puzzles that challenge our conception of the world. We have a profound sense that (...)
Thursday 08
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Rise of the Machines Website | More Information
A public lecture by Hugh Durrant-Whyte, ARC Federation Fellow, the University of Sydney.

Digital disruption - data analytics, computing, automation and robotics - is transforming the world we live in, challenging and destroying conventional business models, but in the digital wake (...)
Wednesday 14
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - How Do You Restore Seagrass Meadows? : A Guide to Seagrass Restoration Website | More Information
A public lecture by John Statton and Gary Kendrick, UWA Oceans Institute.

At The University of Western Australia's Oceans Institute, and in collaboration with industry partners and international experts, we are developing large scale restoration techniques that can be used to both (...)
Friday 16
9:30 - SYMPOSIUM - 2015 Day of Ideas - Reviving the Flaneur Website | More Information
Flaneur: A literary and theoretical urban figure who walks and experiences the city.

The idea of flanerie, or what Balzac once described as 'the gastronomy of the eye', is experiencing a revival. The idea of strolling, no longer by a lone male of a certain class, but by one observing (...)
Monday 19
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Applying Computer Vision Methods to Ecological Problems Website | More Information
A public lecture by Robert Fisher, Dean of Research, Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh and 2015 IAS Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

This talk will present an overview of the data acquisition and analysis from the ChiRoPing and Fish4Knowledge EU funded research projects (...)
Tuesday 20
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Rapid Access Ice Drill : A new tool for exploration of the deep Antarctic ice sheets and subglacial geology Website | More Information
A public lecture by John Goodge, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota-Duluth.

In this lecture, Professor Goodge will discuss the Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID), currently in development, which will be able to will penetrate the Antarctic ice sheets in (...)
Wednesday 21
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - View from the Shore : the cultural impact of globalization on Indonesia during the Age of Spices Website | More Information
A public lecture by James Bennett, Curator of Asian Art, Art Gallery of South Australia and co-curator of 'Treasure Ships: Art in the Age of Spices' Exhibition.

In this lecture, James Bennett will explore the Indonesian pesisir art featured in 'Treasure Ships: Art in the Age of Spices' (...)
Thursday 22
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Light Events : A 2015 International Year of Light Lecture Website | More Information
A public lecture by Rebecca Baumann, artist.

Light is capable of transforming spatial environments - an intangible material which can be manipulated and sculpted. It has the power to affect us psychologically, as well as alter our perception of the world around us. In this presentation (...)

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