Displaying from Thursday, September 22, 2016
September 2016
Thursday 22 |
19:00 - EVENT - CPEC UWA's Pokemon Quiz Night : A Pokemon Themed Quiz night held at the UWA Tavern
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A Pokemon Themed Quiz night held at the UWA Tavern and hosted by The Chemical Process Engineering Club of UWA.
Assemble a team of your strongest and smartest friends and embark on a journey to collect badges as you take on our quiz rounds over a range of topics
October 2016
Monday 10 |
UWA Staff are invited to join Mark Bailye (Blackboard) and Centre for Education Futures staff for this active workshop to explore how technological tools can support the UWA Policy on Assessment, and enhance good assessment and feedback practice. This session will help you get the most out of (...)
Friday 28 |
13:00 - EVENT - Video Feedback: Engage students & enhance their learning experience : Helping provide a higher quality of feedback in the same amount of time.
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Research indicates the provision of video feedback on student assessments results in an overwhelmingly positive impact on engagement, performance and overall perception of the unit and its coordinator. Join Learning Technologists Liberty Cramer and Michelle Bunting from the Centre for Education (...)
November 2016
Monday 07 |
8:00 - COURSE - An Introduction to Offshore Geotechnical Engineering : Short course on Geotechnical Engineering
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This two day course provides an introduction to potential geotechnical issues and available solutions relevant to offshore development. The course involves lectures, group activities and interactive design examples.
Engineers or project managers who wish to broaden their understanding (...)
Tuesday 15 |
8:30 - Course - Introductory Statistics : The course is open to anyone and is designed for people with little or no knowledge of statistics who want to develop understanding of basic statistics.
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The aim of this course is to introduce you to basic statistics. It will cover descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations); data exploration; basic categorical data analysis; simple linear regression and basic analysis of variance (ANOVA). The statistical package SPSS will be used to (...)
Monday 28 |
The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre has organised OpenFOAM training which will be delivered by OpenFOAM Ltd.
This training will be particularly relevant for researchers working with Computational Fluid Dynamics and simulating complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions; turbulence and (...)
Tuesday 29 |
8:30 - Short Course - R Basics : This practical course introduces you to R, one of the most powerful tools for statistical computing.
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R is a free and extremely powerful language and software environment for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphics. The course is designed for those who have no experience with R, but have a basic understanding of statistics. Those without this experience are encouraged to attend the (...)
February 2017
Wednesday 22 |
All new students are strongly encouraged to attend this session to get you started at UWA. The session provides you with key information and activities to get you connected to UWA online resources, study support and provides a taste of what to expect in your first week at UWA. The session will (...)
12:00 - STUDENT EVENT - Engineering, Computing and Mathematics Orientation : Optional for Student Exchange and Study Abroad students
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Your orientation program involves a series of fun and informative activities and events to help you settle into life at UWA and kick-start your student journey.
The activities have been developed for you by UWA Staff, so they have been carefully designed to get you ready for study and (...)
March 2017
Monday 27 |
8:00 - WORKSHOP - Ensuring High Quality Seismic Data for the Mining Industry Workshop : Associated event - Deep Mining Conference in Perth
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The workshop will provide a forum to discuss the different aspects that impact on data quality with the following aims:
•To provide mine site rock engineers and seismologists with practical knowledge to ensure the highest quality data for the site
•To identify problems impacting on the industry (...)
Tuesday 28 |
8:00 - CONFERENCE - Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining : ACG Conference in Perth
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Underground mining continues to progress at deeper levels and industry is now extracting mineral reserves at depth that previously would have been considered unmineable. Deep mining is a very technical and challenging environment. A high level of understanding and technically sound approaches are (...)
Friday 31 |
8:00 - SEMINAR - Developments in Rock Stress Measurements and Monitoring Seminar : Associated event - Deep Mining Conference in Perth
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This seminar will address the latest technology, applications and ideas in rock stress measurements and monitoring, through case studies and discussions with those in the industry. The seminar aims to target those involved in stress fracturing and stress monitoring in all underground excavations.
April 2017
Thursday 13 |
9:00 - EVENT - Pawsey Clinic at The University of Western Australia : Pawsey Clinics are events organised for researchers who need to use Pawsey services.
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The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre would like to invite you to the Pawsey Clinic at The University of Western Australia.
This is one of a series of clinics.
The clinic will commence with a 30 minute presentation about the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre at 9.00am, followed by consultations through the (...)
Wednesday 26 |
8:00 - SEMINAR - Tailings Management: Practical Considerations : Workshops and Seminar on Tailings Management
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This event will comprise a one-day hands-on cone penetration testing (CPT) and static liquefaction workshop and a two-day seminar on the management, operation and relinquishment of tailings storage facilities (TSF).
May 2017
Tuesday 02 |
The ACG is proud to host a two-day seminar that is targeted to supporting the continued development and application of advanced monitoring systems to all types of mine sites and their waste landforms.
Thursday 04 |
This workshop provides a theoretical and practical framework for the understanding and management of moving and unstable slopes. The workshop deals with the actions and approaches appropriate for personnel and managers to resolve these adverse situations in a positive manner.
Tuesday 09 |
9:00 - EVENT - Statistics Short Course: Spatial Point Patterns : Analysis of spatial data using R and spatstat
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Spatial point pattern datasets are becoming common across many fields of research. However, statistical methodology for analysing these data has not been easily accessible. This course is a practical introduction to the analysis of spatial point patterns with a strong focus on hands-on exercises (...)
June 2017
Tuesday 06 |
This course will examine the mechanisms and possible extent of damage to the rock structure behind the face from blasting and the influence that has on the stability of pit walls. The course includes consideration of the mechanisms of rock breakage that operate within a blast and considers means of (...)
Wednesday 21 |
9:30 - Masterclass - Earthquakes - How predictable are they? : A masterclass with Margaret Boettcher, Associate Professor of Geophysics, University of New Hampshire.
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While earthquake predictability is poorly understood, some faults have more regular seismicity than others. Earthquakes on oceanic transform faults exhibit many of the most systematic and predictable behaviors known in seismology and therefore provide a window into earthquake forecasting on (...)
July 2017
Wednesday 05 |
9:00 - Masterclass - Numerical methods for forward and inverse problems in geophysics : A masterclass with Dr. Roland Martin, senior research scientist at the National Centre for Scientific Research, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse 3, France.
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In the last twenty years, many improvements have been made in earth imaging at different scales using different technologies such as active/passive seismics, electromagnetism, potentials (gravity, magnetism, electric potentials),….
The wide variety of data to be inverted to retrieve (...)
There are
27 more future events
in this calendar
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