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Displaying from Tuesday, March 11, 2014
 March 2014
Tuesday 11
14:00 - EVENT - International Women's Day **NEW TIME More Information
International Women's Day 2014 will be celebrated on Tuesday 11 March.

The Vice-Chancellor, Winthrop Professor Paul Johnson will be the Guest Speaker. Professor Johnson will be speaking about the case for gender equity in higher education.

The event will take place at the (...)
Thursday 13
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Re-Visioning Field Stations, Marine Laboratories, and Research Centers to Address Global Environmental Change Website | More Information
A public lecture by Dr Peggy Fiedler, Director of the Natural Reserve System at the University of California.

In this lecture Professor Fiedler will provide context for understanding the role of field stations, marine laboratories and other protected areas by discussing specific examples (...)
Wednesday 19
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - How nature makes materials Website | More Information
A lecture by Professor Ullrich Steiner, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge and Australian Academy of Science 2014 Selby Fellow.

Biological organisms have rather limited resources they can use to build the materials they are made of. Given these limitations, the range of (...)
Tuesday 25
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Science fact or fiction? "Doctors can see into our living cells" Website | More Information
An Inquiring Minds lecture by Winthrop Professor David Sampson, Head, Optical+Biomedical Engineering Laboratory (OBEL) and Director, Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis (CMCA) at The University of Western Australia.

In this talk, Professor Sampson will tease apart fact (...)

 April 2014
Tuesday 01
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Rainforests and Savannas: Understanding Ecological Processes in River Floodplains Website | More Information
A public lecture by Robert J. Naiman, Emeritus Professor, School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington.

For nearly three decades Professor Naiman and his colleagues have been examining ecological processes in rivers and floodplains of the North American coastal (...)
Thursday 03
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - The Question of Truth in Literature: Die poetische Auffassung der Welt Website | More Information
A public lecture by Richard Eldridge, the Charles and Harriett Cox McDowell Professor of Philosophy, Swarthmore College, USA.

The study of literature has always had a central place in advanced curricula, at least if one includes rhetoric, grammar, composition, and ancient and modern (...)
Tuesday 08
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - The Many Facets of Foam Website | More Information
A public lecture by Denis Weaire, Emeritus Professor, School of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin and 2014 UWA Gledden Visiting Fellow.

The study of liquid foams has a long and fascinating history, involving for example the blind Belgian physicist JAF Plateau and the inspiring figure of (...)
Monday 14
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - A Roadmap for Equality - The 2014 Grace Vaughan Memorial Lecture Website | More Information
A lecture by Julie McKay, Executive Director, Australian National Committee for UN Women.

Despite significant increases in public debate about gender equality and the empowerment of women, progress towards equality for women is slow, and risks stalling. While measures of women’s (...)
Monday 28
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Quantum Technologies Website | More Information
A public lecture by Jeremy O’Brien, Director of the Centre for Quantum Photonics, University of Bristol.

The impact of quantum technology will be profound and far-reaching: secure communication networks for consumers, corporations and government; precision sensors for biomedical (...)
Tuesday 29
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil: the story of the twentieth century's most controversial philosophical idea Website | More Information
An Inquiring Minds lecture by Ned Curthoys, Associate Professor, English and Cultural Studies, UWA.

In this talk Ned Curthoys will discuss Hannah Arendt’s fascinating life and work with a particular focus on how she arrived at some of the more starting conclusions in 'Eichmann in (...)

 May 2014
Thursday 01
18:00 - PRESENTATION - What's Christianity Ever Done For Science? : Taking a leaf out of "Life of Brian", this WXED talk will present the key players and principles of faith which pioneered modern science. More Information
Science and Faith seem to be arguing a lot lately, so is their long term marriage over? The accusations are not pretty, not even true. Can we afford for them to split? Taking a leaf out of "Life of Brian", this talk will present the key players and principles of faith which pioneered (...)
Wednesday 07
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Australia's National Curriculum: A jump to the left and a jump to the right? Website | More Information
The Institute of Advanced Studies is pleased to announce a new series for 2014. ‘On the Edge’ will provide lectures, forums and debates on a variety of topics. This inaugural ‘On the Edge’ lecture will be given by Emeritus Professor Bill Louden.

The review of the national (...)
Monday 12
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Coral reefs in a stressed world: synergies, resilience and refugia Website | More Information
A public lecture by Emily Darling, the David H Smith Conservation Research Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina.

Coral reefs are increasingly threatened by local and global stressors and there is mounting evidence that reefs are shifting into new species and communities (...)
Tuesday 13
17:00 - BOOK LAUNCH - Launch of "Personalities & Places" : Full Title: Personalities & Places on the Crawley Campus Website | More Information
This book was funded by a University Centenary Grant with detailed vignettes of 71 places named after personalities on the Crawley Campus. An initiative of the UWA Historical Society, it includes a fold-out map showing each location. Join the authors and their many supporters for the launch.

18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - **Sold Out** Stigma of Mental Illness Website | More Information
A lecture by Professor Norman Sartorius, President, Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes & former director of the World Health Organization’s Division of Mental Health.

Stigma attached to mental illness is the main obstacle to progress in the field of mental (...)
Thursday 15
18:00 - PRESENTATION - What's Christianity Ever Done for Arts and Architecture? : This WXED talk presents stunning visuals of soaring and uplifting Christian art and some stories of iconclasm and censorship in order to draw a picture of Christianity's contribution to our current artistic culture. More Information
'Verily it is by beauty that we come at wisdom,'so it says at Winthrop Hall, so what are all the 'words' for? This WXED talk presents stunning visuals of soaring and uplifting Christian art and some stories of iconclasm and censorship in order to draw a picture of Christianity's contribution to (...)
Monday 19
18:00 - EVENT - *Sold Out* UWA 2014 Research Tasting Night - An Intellectual Tapas *Sold Out* Website | More Information
An Inquiring Minds event co-sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Studies, Research Services and the Centre for Software Practice at UWA.

After the success of our first Intellectual Tapas in 2013, we are pleased to host another research tasting night. In this special event, guests will (...)
Thursday 22
14:00 - SEMINAR - 'O, that this too, too pixelated flesh would melt' : The Decade in Digital Shakespeare Studies Website | More Information
A Digital Humanities Research Seminar with Dr Brett D. Hirsch, ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellow in English and Cultural Studies, UWA.

How has the field of Shakespeare Studies responded to the emergence of exciting new technologies, innovative computational and quantitative (...)
Monday 26
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - The Shadows of Success: A critical development geography of Southeast Asia Website | More Information
A public lecture by Jonathan Rigg, Professor of Geography, National University of Singapore and 2014 IAS Professor-at-Large.

We have become so used to Asia’s rapid economic expansion and the idea that the world’s future lies with the East rather than the West that the continuing and (...)

 June 2014
Thursday 26
18:00 - PUBLIC LECTURE - The Trials of Joan of Arc Website | More Information
A public lecture by Craig Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of York.

This lecture will explore the two great trials of the celebrated French heroine, firstly at Rouen in 1431 while in the hands of her enemies and then between 1455 and 1456, when a posthumous (...)

There are 394 more future events in this calendar

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