Displaying from Saturday, January 18, 2020
January 2020
Saturday 18 |
9:00 - COURSE - Gold Standard GAMSAT Live Courses Perth Day 1 : 8-hour Non-science Review, Strategies and PBL:Section 1 and 2
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Learn, review and address your weaknesses and develop your GAMSAT-level reasoning skills in Section 1 and 2.
9:00 - COURSE - 4 - day GAMSAT Course on Campus : Problem-based Learning GAMSAT Course (Section 1, 2 and 3)
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Develop your GAMSAT-level knowledge, skills and strategies for 4 full days through the problem-based learning approach to teach the most frequently tested GAMSAT topics in all three sections.
The speaker is the author of the Gold Standard GAMSAT textbooks.
17:00 - TUTORIAL - Free GAMSAT Strategy Session : 1 hour problem-based learning GAMSAT seminar with Dr Ferdinand
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Learn & review the skills, as well as the scope of subjects, being assessed in each test section of the GAMSAT. Practice answering GAMSAT-level questions (including essays!) to get insights into exam strategies.
Experience high-quality teaching from an experienced teacher and author (...)
Wednesday 29 |
18:30 - TALK - Climate Change: the facts : A free public talk hosted by Extinction Rebellion on the climate crisis. Come and explore the latest climate science and learn what action you can take to make a difference.
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Join us at our free introductory talk to learn more about the climate & biodiversity emergency, Extinction Rebellion's history and principles, and how Extinction Rebellion is taking non-violent direct action to tackle the crisis head-on.
February 2020
Thursday 13 |
9:00 - CONFERENCE - The Fifth AP-PPN Annual Conference : Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education will be hosting The Fifth AP-PPN Annual Conference
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Conference theme: Research, Evidence, and Public Policy in Asia-Pacific. The conference theme encourages papers that examine the changing dynamics of research, evidence and public policy.
Call for papers and panels Proposals for both individual papers and thematic panels on all topics relevant to (...)
Friday 14 |
12:30 - SEMINAR - A preliminary typology of Australian interjections:results and methodological insights
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In this seminar I will present a preliminary typology of the interjections documented in 37 languages of diverse genetic affiliation across the Australian continent. I will spell out the results concerning Australian interjections themselves, which for most of them raise the question of whether (...)
Monday 17 |
8:00 - SYMPOSIUM - Recent Advances in Economic Geology Symposium : This 4 day symposium will showcase some of the CET's most recent research advances.
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The Centre for Exploration Targeting and the School of Earth Sciences are pleased to announce the "Recent Advances in Economic Geology Symposium" which will be held from 17th - 20th of February 2020, at The University of Western Australia. This has been very successful in the past and (...)
Tuesday 18 |
A public lecture by Patricia Hill Collins, Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland.
In this lecture, internationally renowned sociologist Patricia Hill Collins will consider the concept and practices of intersectionality, a term that (...)
Friday 21 |
10:30 - SEMINAR - A quantum-chemical view on coordination chemistry: spectroscopy, catalysis, and bonding : Martin Kaupp
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A quantum-chemical view on coordination chemistry: spectroscopy, catalysis, and bonding
12:00 - SEMINAR - Quantum Chemistry: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly : Peter Gill (David Craig medalist. Schofield Professor of Theoretical Chemistry. University of Sydney
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Wednesday 26 |
17:45 - PRESENTATION - MBA and Graduate Certificate Information Evening : Hear about our MBA suite of programs, including new courses for 2020.
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If you haven't already enrolled in an MBA or Graduate Certificate, join us for an information evening on Wednesday 26 February at the UWA Business School to hear about our suite of programs. You’ll meet industry professionals, MBA Directors and some of our current students and alumni who are (...)
Friday 28 |
11:00 - SEMINAR - Hearing the Voice of Chinese International Students at the National Library of Australia
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As a recipient of the prestigious Asian Studies Grant, Dr Tao spent four weeks at the National Library of Australia in January 2020, when he was able to explore and investigate into the memoirs published by Chinese international students who studied in Australia since the 1980s. In this talk, Dr (...)
12:30 - SEMINAR - Embedding variationist perspectives in undergraduate linguistics teaching
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When I began my PhD research on complex language repertoires, I found my linguistic toolkit was pretty empty of the kinds of analytic approaches that would allow me to do justice to the linguistic dexterity of my participants. This is partly down to the luck of the draw; I had (...)
March 2020
Wednesday 04 |
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Trends and dangers in US philanthropy � are there implications for Australia?
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A public lecture by Mark Sidel, Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In this lecture, Mark Sidel will discuss some important recent themes in US philanthropy – the role of philanthropy in an era of increasing wealth disparities; (...)
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Reframing Human Rights: health, �dirt� and ecologies of right-making
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A public lecture by Professor Rosemary J. Jolly, Weiss Chair, Humanities in Literature and Human Rights, Pennsylvania State University and 2020 UWA Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellow.
A central problem of the UNHR is its dependence on the state and citizenship as the (...)
Thursday 05 |
16:00 - PUBLIC TALK - Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium : It's a wonderful life! - Reflections on the career of a mathematician
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Followed by Cheese and wine in Maths Common Room
We all have our doubts off and on if life is really so wonderful. But that is not what I want to address here. Watching the Jimmy Stewart movie with this title, there was one scene which captured my imagination: the Guardian (...)
A public lecture by Christophe Lazaro, Associate Professor of Law & Society, Centre for Philosophy of Law, University of Louvain and 2020 UWA Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellow.
An entirely new fauna composed of entities, which are said to be smart and autonomous (...)
Friday 06 |
What Tolstoy wrote about happy and unhappy families applies equally to languages: all living languages are alike; each dying language is dying in its own way. Because the death of a language is a particular death, the death of this language and not some other one, the story of (...)
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As early as in the late 1940s, Yugoslavia developed its own brand of Socialism based on self-management. In the cultural sphere, the uniqueness of the Yugoslav context gave way to the official renunciation of Soviet Socialist Realism around 1948 and contributed to the rise of a (...)
Monday 09 |
18:00 - PUBLIC TALK - When Animals Talk Back. Perspectives on human-animal communication.
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A public lecture by Don Kulick, Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology, Uppsala University, Sweden and 2020 UWA Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellow.
The past two decades have seen a seismic shift in our understanding of what animals are, what they perceive and think (...)
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