Displaying from Friday, July 08, 2016
July 2016
Friday 08 |
10:00 - WORKSHOP - How can CERI help researchers develop an entrepreneurial mindset? : Discover what the Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation has to offer UWA researchers
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This workshop will outline how CERI can help researchers develop entrepreneurial skills and assist them through the innovation process. CERI is a not-for-profit organisation based in Nedlands.
Tuesday 12 |
14:00 - Short course - ANOVA, Linear regression and Logistic Regression : The course is designed for people with knowledge of basic statistics who want to learn more about regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA).
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This course covers techniques that can be used to analyse data with continuous and categorical variables. The course will begin with simple linear regression and then proceed with approaches that can be used with more than two variables such as multiple regression. ANOVA with interactions and (...)
Friday 15 |
10:00 - SEMINAR - FEI Helios NanoLab: Pushing the limits of extreme high resolution characterisation and sample preparation : Focused ion beam (FIB) and SEM/FIB instrumentation
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Over the past 20 years, focused ion bean (FIB) and SEM/FIB instrumentation has transformed scientists' ability to investigate materials to develop new sample preparation methods to become the industry standard and 'work-horse' for site-specific cross-section analysis, S/TEM sample preparation (cross (...)
August 2016
Monday 08 |
15:00 - SEMINAR - CMCA Seminar: Why NMR matters in Metabolomics : In principle, NMR is an ideal technique for metabolomics.
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In principle, NMR is an ideal technique for metabolomics. It is non-destructive, non-biased, highly quantitative, requires no prior separation, permits the identification of novel compounds and needs no chemical derivatization. However, relative to other analytical techniques NMR is slow and (...)
Sunday 14 |
9:00 - OPEN DAY - University Hall Open Day Breakfast : YOU can meet our UniHallers and join us for breakfast and a tour before heading over to UWA Open Day.
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YOU can meet our UniHallers and join us for a free exclusive breakfast and a tour before heading over to UWA Open Day.
This is a great opportunity for you to discover what it’s like to live on campus at UWA. On the day you will meet our UniHall ambassadors who will take you on a tour (...)
September 2016
Friday 02 |
15:00 - STAFF EVENT - mLearning Month - September 2016 : Are you interested in learning about mobile technology and applications in Higher Education?
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Across the month of September, the Centre for Education Futures will be hosting a range of workshops, presentations, webinars, panels and a half-day summit that will explore the use of mobile and in-context learning in Higher Education.
All mLearning Month events will be held at the (...)
Wednesday 21 |
8:00 - STAFF EVENT - mLEARNING SUMMIT : Explore the use of mobile and in-context learning in Higher Education
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Join us for the mLEARNING SUMMIT, the main event for the mLearning Month (September 2016) hosted by the Centre for Education Futures.
The mLearning Summit will be featuring our own Professor Gilly Salmon addressing the role of mobile learning in blended education.
Also (...)
16:00 - EXPO - Postgrad and Honours Expo : Find out how postgraduate studies can enhance your career prospects
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If you would like to know how a postgrad qualification can shape your future career, visit our Postgrad & Honours Expo in September.
Chat to current staff and students about the courses on offer, scholarships and the application process, and attend one of the information sessions (...)
October 2017
Tuesday 10 |
8:00 - SEMINAR - Strainburst in Mining Seminar - How to Mitigate the Consequences : Associated event - Ungerground Mining technology Conference 2017 in Sudbury, Canada
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This new ACG seminar seeks to explore the latest technologies and methodologies used at mining operations to mitigate and manage strainburst risk. It is hoped that by learning more about these phenomena, successful methodologies to reduce the likelihood and consequences of strainbursting can be (...)
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