SEMINAR: Wake up to sleep: Current research at the Centre for Sleep Science
Wake up to sleep: Current research at the Centre for Sleep Science : School of Human Sciences Seminar Series |
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Insufficient sleep is known to have detrimental impacts on mental and physical health and productivity. Alongside nutrition and exercise, sleep is increasingly being advocated as the third pillar of health. Yet, at least 4 in 10 Australians, and 6 in 10 over the age of 65, are regularly experiencing poor sleep with the sleep disorders insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea being the most common causes. The team at the Centre for Sleep Science are working on a number trials to treat these sleep disorders and improve sleep. Jen Walsh and Kath Maddison will discuss some of their current trials and present some data from recently completed trials including the use of medicinal cannabis to treat insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea and hypoglossal nerve stimulation to treat obstructive sleep apnoea.
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