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SEMINAR: Centre for Muslim States and Societies Seminar Series 2019

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Centre for Muslim States and Societies Seminar Series 2019 : FOOD for THOUGHT- Event Canceled Other events...
CMSS invites you to its new dinner meeting talks on Muslim societies. The talks are followed by dinner with a dish from the country a given talk is about. The first talk, in partnership with Africa Research and Engagement Centre (AfREC), UWA, is on Western Africa, by UWA analyst Muhammad Suleiman. Western Africa is the heartland of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa, a dynamic and diverse region undergoing rapid development and reforms in governance. With increasing research and policy attention focused on this crucial sub-region, this lecture offers FOOD for THOUGHT on the following questions: 1. What is the history of religion-based violence in the sub-region? 2. What are the real costs of recent developments in Western Africa to extant nation-building efforts, including for pre-existing social dynamics and conflicts? 3. What does the situation mean for foreign investment in the sub-region, such as in the resources industry? 4. What are appropriate and effective policy responses by key stakeholders and interested actors?

Muhammad Dan Suleiman recently completed a PhD in Political Science and International Relations at UWA where his thesis deconstructed Islamist movements and state-society relations in Western Africa from decolonial and pan African lenses. He is also an analyst for several think tanks and teaches units at UWA on the international politics of Africa, peace and security in Africa, and Islam in the world.

TICKETS: (Standard $50; Students $35) via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/food-for-thought-lecture-on-western-africa-tickets-78565699121
Speaker(s) Muhammad Dan Suleiman
Location UWA, UniClub Seminar room 3
Contact Dr Azim Zahir <[email protected]>
Start Thu, 07 Nov 2019 18:00
End Thu, 07 Nov 2019 20:00
Submitted by Karen Eichorn <[email protected]>
Last Updated Tue, 05 Nov 2019 14:06
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