COURSE: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence Online Course
Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence Online Course : A free, online course for UWA staff and students via LMS |
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Do you feel confident to support students who have experienced sexual violence? Do you know how to best respond and where to refer the person for support if needed?
Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence is an interactive and comprehensive course for first responders. It will help you to develop the skills to respond appropriately, empathetically and confidently.
What will I learn?
The Responding to Disclosures course will help you to:
- Demonstrate an awareness of the issues and initiatives available around sexual violence, both at UWA and in wider society
- Define what constitutes consent and identify the legal definitions of sexual offences in Western Australia
- Dispel common myths and misconceptions around sexual violence
- Explain the different support and reporting options available at UWA and externally
- Demonstrate best practices for responding to a disclosure and apply these in line with UWA policies, procedures and services
- Recognise when you (the responder) may need support in dealing with a disclosure
Who would benefit most from this course?
Although all members of the UWA Community are welcome to complete this free course, frontline student support staff and student leaders are particularly encouraged to complete it.
This includes:
- Counselling and UniAccess staff
- Security and Library staff
- Student Advisers and Student Experience Officers
- Guild student leaders such as Guild Council, Club and Society Executive
- Students managing events
- UniMentors
- Sports Captains
- Residential Advisers (RAs)
- Residential College staff
How do I enrol?
Visit the Fit For Study website for self-enrolment instructions
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