Celebrating the opening of the Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute building - and the new era in clinical neuroscience that it heralds - the annual Symposium of Western Australian Neuroscience (SWAN) will be a major event in 2018. Australian and international guest speakers as well as Western Australian scientists and clinical scientists will be featured. The conference will include two 3 Minute Thesis competitions for neuroscience PhD students from across Western Australia. Although the Sarich Institute provides the catalyst, the aim of the conference is to celebrate Western Australian neuroscience in its totality by involving researchers and students from all of the state's leading neuroscience research organisations.
The Symposium will be held on the 29th – 30th of November and includes public lectures, a heavily subsidised conference dinner on the 29th and an early career researcher event. Registration is free but essential for catering purposes at https://goo.gl/forms/KKjsew2B80Wi6V602
Abstract submission for student 3 minute thesis and posters required by 26th October to
[email protected]. There are no specific formatting requirements for the abstract other than one page limit.