PRESENTATION: Researching without the red-tape*
Researching without the red-tape* : Join the Risk and Legal team for a discussion on clinical trials, complex research collaborations and data ownership. |
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Step beyond the tangle of red tape and start your research sooner.*
Meet the UWA team who are here to work with researchers and central experts to quickly navigate the formalities of agreements and approvals. The Risk & Legal unit welcome researchers and peers to an informal open office featuring:
poster presentations on challenging topics such as data ownership, clinical trials and complex collaborations
a “duty lawyer” desk for on the spot queries*
door prizes and Research Week coffee cards.
Registrations are essential via
This event is suited to UWA researchers.
* Some terms and conditions apply.
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- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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