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PUBLIC TALK: The Square Kilometre Array and How it Will Work

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Today's date is Tuesday, February 04, 2025
The Square Kilometre Array and How it Will Work : Public Talk with Kevin Vincen Other events...
Kevin Vinsen is helping solve the extraordinary computational challenges facing the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). A Senior Research Fellow with the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), Vincen is a computational astronomy polymath - expert in numerous coding languages, artificial intelligence, genetic algorithms, high performance computing, data intensive astronomy, data mining, business analysis, games development, and command and control systems.

The data requirements for the SKA are astronomical, quite literally. When complete, the amount of data flowing from the SKA’s 10s of thousands of antennae will be measured in exabytes per day. Just one exabyte contains as much information as 2,000,000 Bluray Disks, a stack of 12km high each day.

Vincen enjoys talking about his passion for big science projects and speaks often at schools, community groups and for industry audiences. When he’s not dealing with super computers Kevin works on on a citizen science project called the PS1 Optical Galaxy Survey (POGS), a part of the SkyNet initiative. Using the collective processing power of home computers POGS is helping astronomers and astrophysicists to calculate the spectral energy distributions from optical infra-red and ultraviolet images to produce the first public catalog of its kind. This will require 10’s of millions of CPU hours to calculate and 100’s of TBytes of storage.

Vincen considers himself one of the luckiest astronomy geeks on the planet. He is paid to do what he loves - astronomy and computing with some of the biggest baddest computers on the planet. No wonder he is always smiling.
Speaker(s) Kevin Vincen
Location SymbioticA, Room 228, Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology Building, The University of Western Australia
Contact Chris Cobilis <[email protected]> : 6488 5583
URL http://www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/activities/seminars
Start Fri, 12 May 2017 15:00
End Fri, 12 May 2017 16:00
Submitted by Chris Cobilis <[email protected]>
Last Updated Tue, 25 Jul 2017 11:21
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