PERFORMANCE: School of Music Presents: Student Recitals
Each year the School of Music celebrates the amazing talent of our perfromance and composition students in a series of senior and graduation recitals.
We invite you to join us to help celebrate our students' endeavour and enjoy some wonderful free music.
Monday 14 November
5pm Megan Barbetti (flute)
5.30pm Rohan Disley (guitar) **Eileen Joyce Studio**
6.30pm Monique Rose (flute)
7pm Hayden Emery (guitar) **Eileen Joyce Studio**
8pm Kyla-Rae Ashworth (flute)
Doors open 10 mins prior.
All welcome! No bookings necessary.
Included in the following Calendars: |
- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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