Quit Smoking Successfully!
The Robin Winkler Clinic at The University of Western Australia will be conducting a SMOKING CESSATION treatment program commencing in the first half of OCTOBER 2015.
The Smoking Cessation treatment program combines nicotine replacement therapy with cognitive-behavioural therapy to help people beat the chemical addiction, as well as the addiction to the habit of smoking itself. The majority of people who complete this science-informed group program become non-smokers and are still smoke-free one month after the group has ended.
The group sessions will be held on Monday evenings at 6pm-8pm. The fee is $30 per session (a 25% discount applies if paid in total in the first week). The initial assessment and follow-up session will also cost $30 each.
If you would like to reserve a place in the next smoking cessation group, or would like more information, please contact the Robin Winkler Clinic on 6488 2644 or
[email protected]Robin Winkler Clinic | (MBDP M304) | The University of Western Australia | School of Psychology | 35 Stirling Highway | Crawley WA 6009 | Tel: 6488 2644 | Fax: 6488 2655