SEMINAR: Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium: Solving equations in free groups.
Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium: Solving equations in free groups. |
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Colloquium time date and location: 4pm, Thursday 21st May, Blakers
Lecture Theatre.
Speaker: Dr. Murray Elder, University of Newcastle
Title. Solving equations in free groups.
An equation in a free group is an expression U=V where U,V are words over elements of the group and variables X,Y,Z, etc. A solution is an assignment of group elements to the variables which make the equation true.
In the 1970s, Makanin constructed a (really complicated) algorithm which decides if an equation has a solution or not. Later, Razborov extended Makanin's result to find all solutions. The complexity of these algorithms was subsequently shown to be pretty bad.
In this talk I will present a new approach, describing a finite graph that encodes all solutions in reduced words, which has exponential size and can be constructed in nondeterministic quasilinear space (in the length of the equation). I will try to motivate and explain the problem, how it relates to some questions in logic, and give some of the ingredients of the proof.
Speaker(s) |
Dr. Murray Elder
Location |
Blakers Lecture Theatre
Contact |
Luke Morgan
<[email protected]>
Start |
Thu, 21 May 2015 16:00
End |
Thu, 21 May 2015 17:00
Submitted by |
Luke Morgan <[email protected]>
Last Updated |
Tue, 12 May 2015 09:22
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