SEMINAR: Groups and Combinatorics Seminar, Antiflag-transitive generalized quadrangles
Groups and Combinatorics Seminar, Antiflag-transitive generalized quadrangles |
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Eric Swartz (UWA)
will speak on
Antiflag-transitive generalized quadrangles
at 3pm Friday 14 November in Mathematics Lecture Room 1.
A generalized quadrangle is a point-line incidence geometry Q such that (1) any two points lie on at most one line, and (2) given a line l and a point P not incident with l, P is collinear with a unique point of l. An antiflag of a generalized quadrangle is a non-incident point-line pair (P, l), and we say that the generalized quadrangle Q is antiflag-transitive if the group of collineations (automorphisms that send points to points and lines to lines) is transitive on the set of all antiflags. We prove that if a finite, thick generalized quadrangle Q is antiflag-transitive, then Q is one of the following: the unique generalized quadrangle of order (3,5), a classical generalized quadrangle, or a dual of one of these. This is joint work with John Bamberg and Cai-Heng Li.
Speaker(s) |
Eric Swartz (UWA)
Location |
Mathematics Lecture Room 1 (G.17)
Contact |
Irene Pivotto
<[email protected]>
Start |
Fri, 14 Nov 2014 15:00
End |
Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:00
Submitted by |
Irene Pivotto <[email protected]>
Last Updated |
Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:08
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