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EVENT: Staff Retreat

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Today's date is Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Staff Retreat : for renewing clarity and purpose Other events...
This in the seventh year of offering these end of year retreats for staff at UWA. The feedback from previous participants has been unanimously positive. The Retreat provides space to interact with other academic and general staff from across UWA; reconnect with professional ‘passion’; allow inspiration and creativity to surface; restore purposefulness.

The format includes some reflection on poetry (to slow us down into a more reflective space), time alone in silence (walking, resting, reading) and we introduce a process for group listening for anyone who wants support in discerning a question/issue of personal importance (called a ‘Clearness Committee’).

The design of the retreat is based on principles developed by the American Educationalist Parker J Palmer (Let your life speak; The courage to teach; The Heart of Higher Education) and the Centre for Courage and Renewal www.couragerenewal.org

The retreat is facilitated by Michael Wood, Anglican Chaplain at UWA. It has an implicit contemplative spirituality focussed on listening, is not religiously specific and does not assume any faith position.

The focus is on creating some good quality space for refreshment, renewal and gaining clarity in personal and professional direction. The retreats and quiet days have support from Teaching and Learning (CATL) and the Research Office. The cost is $260 (no GST) for two full days inclusive of accommodation in single rooms, breakfasts and lunches. In order to keep the cost down, participants share in the provision and cooking of evening meals. Staff may be wish to apply to their manager or Head of School for funding support as a recognised professional development program.

Previous participants have said….. “This time at the staff retreat has been encouraging for the possibilities of university teaching, lifting us above the limiting busyness of everyday life. Not a ‘how to’ time but a time of deepening inner resources”; “This retreat provided a rare opportunity to quietly reflect on what’s going on for me internally as a teacher, helped by excellent facilitators and a wonderful peaceful location”; “The retreat is expertly and compassionately structured. It provides a rare chance to be brought back to the rawness and passion that inspire great teaching” “I have learned that I am not alone and have community at UWA and the journey of teaching is as special and sacred as I believed it to be”

To obtain a registration form please email [email protected] and if you would like to know more, please contact Michael on Ext 4762.
Location Nathanael's Rest Mundaring
Contact Michael Wood <[email protected]>
Start Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:00
End Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:00
RSVP RSVP is required.
Submitted by Michael Wood <[email protected]>
Last Updated Fri, 09 Sep 2016 15:26
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