SEMINAR: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Seminar Series
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Seminar Series : Performance Monitoring and Evaluation - An Integrative Model |
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The idea that good performance management is essential for organisations is part of today’s conventional public management wisdom. If public organisations are to perform well, they must know and understand their internal operations and the external environment. Good performance measures, it is believed, help public managers to make better decisions and ultimately enhance organisational performance.
This interest has generated numerous performance management research aimed at identifying factors that facilitates managers to effectively use performance information in decision making. This research examines some fundamental assumptions of performance management research, including critical gaps in our current understanding of its basic tenets. It then presents an integrative performance management framework aimed at encouraging new directions for schoalrships and improved implementation.
Professor Jeannette Taylor
Project A3.1 – Better Governance for complex decision-making
Jeannette is a researcher in Project A3.1 and faculty member in the political science discipline at the University of Western Australia. Her research interest lies in public administration, particularly on performance management and public service motivation. Jeannette serves on the editorial board of two US refereed journals: Public Administration Review and Review of Public Personnel Administration.
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CRC for Water Sensitive Cities - Western Region
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