EVENT: WriteStart writing retreat 2014
WriteStart writing retreat 2014 : A live-in week-long writing retreat offers a number of academics the chance to engage in intensive writing sessions, free from distraction. |
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UWA recognises that academics work in an environment in which there are increasing pressures to publish. There can be many obstacles to publication productivity, such as time constraints, teaching and other service demands, student needs, daily interruptions, and lack of collegiality. Many academics could benefit, therefore, from a structure and system for writing that will help them to overcome these barriers. A live-in week-long writing retreat off-campus offers 20 academic staff 'time out' in which to focus on writing. The retreat also encourages academic collegiality and the sharing of ideas and is supported by senior academic staff members who facilitate peer mentoring.
Intended outcomes:The purpose of the retreat is to produce a written piece as close as ready for publication or completion as possible. To achieve this, you will have thought about what to write and have done most of the preliminary reading and research. You’ll need to bring your resource material along. It will be helpful if you have thought about your target journal/s as well.
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- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
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