iVEC and CSIRO invite you to attend training on MOOSE – Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment. The MOOSE platform is a general problem solver that can accommodate many mathematical models. It has recently been released as open-source software, making it even easier for academic researchers to adopt. Some of the capabilities of MOOSE include:
Fully-coupled, fully-implicit multiphysics solver
Dimension independent physics
Automatically parallel (largest runs >100,000 CPU cores!)
Modular development simplifies code reuse
Built-in mesh adaptivity
Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) (at the same time!)
Intuitive parallel multi scale solves
Dimension agnostic, parallel geometric search (for contact related applications)
Flexible, plugable graphical user interface
~30 plugable interfaces allow specialisation of every part of the solve
More information about MOOSE can be found at the MOOSE website: http://mooseframework.org
Please refer to the URL for the Program Overview and more information.
Cody Permann’s visit is sponsored by CSIRO to support researchers in WA. If you would like to arrange a meeting with Cody, please contact Thomas Poulet <
[email protected]>, other enquiries should be directed to Rebecca Hartman-Baker <
[email protected]>.
Although the training is free, you must register your attendance (through the URL) as places are limited. The intensive program builds a solid foundation for MOOSE use, so attendance on all three days is advised.