COURSE: iVEC Supercomputing Training
In the week beginning 24 March 2014, iVEC will offer the following short courses on supercomputing topics:
Introduction to iVEC: 1:00 – 2:00pm Mon 24th March
Introduction to Linux: 3:00 – 4:00pm Mon 24th March
Introduction to Supercomputing: 10:00am – 4:00pm Tues 25th March
Developing with MPI and OpenMP: 10:00am – 4:00pm Wed 26th March
Debugging with DDT: 10am – 12:00 noon Thurs 27th March
Introduction to Optimisation and Profiling: 1:00 – 4:00pm Thurs 27 March
Courses are delivered in a face to face classroom style. Attendees are encouraged to bring and work on their own laptops. Staff from the Supercomputing Team will be facilitating so you can meet and chat with them.
Free parking available on-site.
Courses are free of charge and open to all, however places are limited.
Light refreshments and lunch will be provided on each day (no lunch on Monday).
Register online at
Included in the following Calendars: |
- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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