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WORKSHOP: Research Students and Mental Health

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Today's date is Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Research Students and Mental Health : Research Supervision Professional Development Program Other events...
This workshop is suitable for supervisors of all research students. In order to get the most from the workshop it is expected that participants will have a basic understanding of the most common types of mental health issues and be familiar with the Graduate Research School's Policies and Rules for higher degree by research (HDR) students.

Participants will be assumed to have completed one or both of the following: - Mental Health Awareness Training. A one day course that provides an overview of frequently occurring mental health conditions. - beyondblue Workplace Mental Health Awareness course. A short online course that examines the myths and misconceptions about depression and anxiety. Able to be completed using a range of devices including smart phones, tablets, and laptops.

This half day course provides an overview of typical mental health issues students may present with, as well as an overview of strategies and suggestions on how to best deal with them during the supervision period. Participants will learn about their obligations as part of their duty of care and be provided with practical strategies to respond to mental health issues (or symptoms thereof). Information will also be provided on the supports available within UWA and beyond, for supervisors and students. Given the prevalence of mental health issues, the course is recommended for all supervisors of Higher Degree by Research students.
Speaker(s) Dr Michael Azariadis, Dr Krystyna Haq, Dr Joanne Edmondston & Dr Sato Juniper
Location Love House, Seminar Room 1
Contact CATL <[email protected]>
URL http://www.catl.uwa.edu.au/pd/workshops/research/research-students-and-mental-health
Start Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:00
End Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:00
RSVP RSVP is required.
Submitted by CATLoffice <[email protected]>
Last Updated Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:25
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