WORKSHOP: Supervisor Refresher Forum
Supervisor Refresher Forum : Research Supervision Professional Development Program |
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This workshop is designed for experienced supervisors of research students at UWA want to update their current conceptions and practice of supervision at UWA, including updates on UWA policies and rules.
It provides an overview research training at UWA and is designed for supervisors of Higher Degree Research (HDR) students and is grounded in the Graduate Research School's Policies and Rules. Supervisors of Honours and Postgraduate Coursework students are also welcome to attend.
The context for further exploration of supervision issues in the Supervisor Development Program, which includes workshops such as Finding the Right Research Student, Student- Supervisor Relationships, Support for Research Students, Supervising International Research Students, and Research Students and Mental Health.
Workshop Description:
Supervision in context – UWA's vision for the future.
Professionalising postgraduate supervision.
Included in the following Calendars: |
- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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