Employment Recruitment Talk: Careers Centre: Engineering Careers Day
Careers Centre: Engineering Careers Day : Graduating in 2014 and want to work for an engineering firm? Come along and meet the employers on one day! |
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Graduating in 2014 and want to work for an engineering firm? Come along and meet the employers on one day!
2014 Engineering Careers Day employers...
•Defence Force
•Professionals Australia (formerly APESMA)
•Wood & Grieve Engineers
•...and more!
Updates will be available on UWA Careers Centre Facebook - www.facebook.com/uwacareerscentre. Registrations available at: http://uwa.careerhub.com.au/ViewEvent.chpx?id=164377.
This event will involve an expo and individual employer presentations.
Included in the following Calendars: |
- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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