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PUBLIC LECTURE: CMSS The Arab Spring At Two and a Half: Lessons, Challenges, and Opportunities.

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CMSS The Arab Spring At Two and a Half: Lessons, Challenges, and Opportunities. : Visiting Research Professor Dr Emile Nakhleh at New Mexico will highlight the lessons, challenges, and opportunities for the region and major foreign powers. Other events...
“As the Arab Spring enters its third year, new Arab democracies are struggling with a myriad of serious issues, which could impact the future success or failure of democratic transitions in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, and other countries in the region. These issues include governance; Islamic politics; social complexity and diversity of Arab society; human rights and women’s rights; and continued violence and repression in Syria, Bahrain, and elsewhere. A key challenge revolves around job creation and entrepreneurship. The new Arab democracies will have to adopt creative economic policies and promote economic growth to provide jobs for the millions of Arab youth in the new democracies. In the final analysis, an employed population is the backbone of a democratic society. Furthermore, economic prosperity will be critical for the stability and social peace of the new democracies in the Middle East. The presentation will highlight the lessons, challenges, and opportunities for the region and major foreign powers.”

Dr. Nakhleh is an expert on Middle Eastern society and politics and on political Islam. He is a memeber of the Council on Foreign relations and a Research Professor at University of New Mexico. He previously served in the Central Intelligence Agency from 1993-2006, first as a scholar in residence and the chief of the Regional Analysis Unit in the Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Analysis and subsequently as director of Political Islam Strategic Analysis program. Since retiring from the US Government in 2006, he has been consulting with different US government entities and departments on national security issues,
Location E-Moot Court (G.06),(beside Beasley Law Library) University of Western Australia, Hackett Drive #1 CRAWLEY.
Contact Centre for Muslim States and Societies <[email protected]> : 6488 4554
Start Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:30
End Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:00
Submitted by The Centre <[email protected]>
Last Updated Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:37
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