EVENT: Food 2050 - The UWA Institute of Agriculture 2013 Industry forum
Food 2050 - The UWA Institute of Agriculture 2013 Industry forum : Join us for an afternoon of discussion about arguably the biggest issue facing humanity: how to feed nine billion people in 2050 without destroying the planet. |
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Building on the theme of the UWA Future Farm 2050 Project
The biggest issue facing humanity: how to feed 9 billion people in 2050 without destroying the planet.
What science and technology is needed to meet this challenge?
Time: 1:00pm – 5:15pm followed by refreshments
Cost $40 + GST - RSVP for catering purposes by 2 April 2013 purchase tickets online at http://www.ioa.uwa.edu.au/industry-forum/
1.00pm Welcome: W/Professor Kadambot Siddique, AM FTSE, Hackett Professor of Agriculture Chair, Director,The UWA Institute of Agriculture (IOA), UWA
1.10pm Why are we here?: Mr Graham Laitt, Managing Director, Milne Agrigroup Pty Ltd
1.28pm Future Food and Health: W/Professor Peter Leedman, Deputy Director, Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR)
1:40pm Food Security or Food Quality for Australia?: Professor William Erskine, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA), UWA
1.53pm CGE animal food production: W/Professor Graeme Martin, Head, School of Animal Biology, Deputy Director,Chair of Animal Science, The UWA Institute of Agriculture
2.05pm Farming and Biodiversity: Mr Chris Curnow, Program Manager – Southwest Australia Land Manager Engagement WWF-Australia
2.17pm Energy Independence: W/Professor Dongke Zhang, Director, UWA Centre for Energy
2.30pm Valuing Water: Asst/Professor Nik Callow, School of Earth and Environment, UWA
2.43pm Soils alive and productive: W/Professor Andrew Whiteley, School of Earth and Environment, UWA
2.55pm Afternoon Tea
3:22pm Food provenance: W/Professor John Watling, Centre for Forensic Science, UWA
3:35pm Instant monitoring of food quality: W/Professor Laurie Faraone, School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, UWA
3.48pm People/Rural Communities: Professor Matthew Tonts, Head, School of Earth and Environment, UWA
4:00pm Farmhouse Design for the Regions: Asst/Professor Patrick Beale, Chair of Architecture, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
4.12pm Rural Enterprises: W/Professor Tim Mazzarol, UWA Business School
4.25pm Financial World View
4.38pm The Oxford Example and US Examples: Dr Annie Kerr, 3E Farming; Catherine Marriott, Influential Women,2012 WA RIRDC Rural Women’s Award recipient and the National Runner-up
4.50pm Summing Up and Discussion: W/Professor Peter Davies, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
5:10pm Refreshments
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