SEMINAR: SymbioticA Friday Seminar: Public display of human tissue
SymbioticA Friday Seminar: Public display of human tissue : Speaker: Robert Devcic |
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GV Art, a contemporary London based art gallery, was the first commercial gallery in the UK to obtain a Human Tissue Authority Licence in 2008 for Public Display and Storage. The gallery focus’ on the budding inter relationship between art and science and produces exhibitions and events that bring about questioning and debate around the ongoing studies in science through art and how the two areas cross over and feed into one another.
Robert Devcic, founder of GV Art is an Australian who has lived in London since 1986. Originally a collector of art he started exhibiting his artists in 2005 at many art fairs around the world. In 2008 he opened the current gallery space with an installation by conceptual American artist, Andrew Krasnow,
Robert also started a company called Global Village UK Limited in 1998 which provides a data capture service for an online legal publishing service called All England Direct. In addition to this Robert has worked as a photographer, in PR/Marketing and publishing roles as well as a charity fundraiser and is currently a Trustee for a learning disabled youth group in his local community.
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