EVENT: SymbioticA Friday Seminar
SymbioticA Friday Seminar > Synthetic Kingdom
What does design have to offer to a biotech revolution?
Daisy Ginsberg uses design to explore the implications of emerging and unfamiliar technologies, science and services. This includes creating compelling narratives that allow us to question our unprecedented future, using design to open up new thought areas and unravel the complexity of invisible science. Over the last 18 months Ginsberg has been exploring how the two very disparate scales of molecular science and human design interact. At the Royal College of Art, London, she began researching synthetic biology, the application of engineering principles to biology, the abstraction of the chaos of life into standardised components and systems. Daisy has now moved into the lab, designing a Synthetic Biology Protocol for SymbioticA during her residency.
Prior to the MA Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art, Ginsberg read Architecture at Cambridge University, worked in urbanism and spent a year at Harvard learning about narrative and design research. Her time at the RCA was spent exploring what design - integral to the developments of the Industrial and Information Revolutions - has to ‘offer’ to a Biotech Revolution.
More information: http://www.daisyginsberg.com/
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