EVENT: Day of Ideas 2009 - Power With...
Day of Ideas 2009 - Power With... : Ideas for peace, love and respect in a violent world |
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This 2009 Day of Ideas will focus on:
1. The idea that Power With rather than Power Over is the essence of more equal relationships of all kinds.
2. Related areas where major shifts in thinking and behaving can occur to reduce societal ills.
Our keynote speaker, Bernadette Wright, psychologist ABC1 Kids Business, will share her experience of working with children using a person to person approach based on respect and love, an approach that may ultimately make a world of difference.
Other speakers will address aspects of the above from their own experience and convictions, suggesting how shifts in thinking and behaviour might occur within individuals and societies. Shifts which would effect substantial and lasting change, reduce societal ills and increase happiness.
The audience will be invited to ask questions and engage in discussion throughout the day in order to allow for the exchange of important ideas. There will be an informal session at the end of the day for the audience and speakers to further debate and discuss ideas.
Speakers include: Amy Berson, Oxfam WA;Adele Carles MP Fremantle;Dr David Mountain, AMA spokesperson on Emergency Medicine;Bernadette Wright, psychologist ABC1 Kids Business
Details and Cost:
Welcome Dinner - Friday 30 October 2008 at 7.30pm, Lamont’s Restaurant. Cost: $85 limited places available.
DAY OF IDEAS Participation Cost:$60/ $55 Concession
Bookings: visit http://www.ias.uwa.edu.au/conf/dayofideas09 to book online by credit card or by phone 08 6488 1340
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- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
available via the Campus Maps website.
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