SEMINAR: SymbioticA Friday Seminar
SymbioticA Friday Seminar : Awash in Spatial Information: Promise, Limitations and Controversy |
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What is spatial information? How is it constructed, maintained and controlled? With the current social valence of spatial information, it is critical that we have an understanding of its continuing development so we can leverage and critique it effectively. This talk will seek to deeply engage the audience by way of small group conversations. Questions will focus on issues of deep contention (privacy, access, control, etc.), cultural encoding, possibilities for spatial information and those of interest to the group.
E. J. Neafsey is a Ph.D Candidate in the Environmental Information Science concentration at Cornell University. He completed his undergraduate work at Cornell in January 2005 and received his M.S. degree there in May 2008. He has taught geospatial information science and sustainable agriculture as part of his program at Cornell. Previous research focused on proximal sensing using diffuse-reflectance near-infrared spectroscopy for the estimation of key soil properties to soil classification and survey, in situ, in western and central New York. He is currently developing a spectral database for soil samples in southern New England and prediction models for key soil properties for archived, field benchmark and subaqueous soils in the region. Locally, he is working with the Western Australia Department of Agriculture and Food to update soils maps in the Wheatbelt using field, radiometrics and terrain data and enhance soil carbon measurement techniques.
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