SEMINAR: SymbioticA Friday Seminar: Garage Mahal
SymbioticA Friday Seminar: Garage Mahal : Speaker: Andrew Hayim De Vries at the Garage Mahal, Fremantle |
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Andrew Hayim De Vries will tour and discuss his latest art/design project Home Where Project #2 Garage Mahal. The house is designed and constructed using simple and cost effective industrial components and practices addressing the key areas of environmental sustainability to minimise the use of power and water and the necessity for maintenance of the property.
The Vertical Greenwalls, vegetable and other gardens on the property are watered by an integrated greywater recycling and rainwater catchment and subterranean drainage system. Through the combined use of natural ventilation and internal insulation, the Vertical Greenwalls and passive solar design throughout the property, Garage Mahal offers a cool sanctuary in the often harsh summer of Western Australia and warmth during winter months.
Andrew Hayim De Vries is a West Australian artist and designer based in Fremantle, W.A. Home Where Project #1 100 Hubble Street was an eclectic example of art, architecture and urban recycling that evolved over a period of 20 years in East Fremantle.
For more information visit:
Garage Mahal:
100 Hubble Street:
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