SYMPOSIUM: A Green �New Deal�? Confronting Climate Change, Peak Oil and the Financial Crisis
A Green �New Deal�? Confronting Climate Change, Peak Oil and the Financial Crisis |
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The New Economics Foundation in the United Kingdom is just one group to call for a ‘Green New Deal’ – an attempt to develop a single approach to address the three main policy challenges of our time. Western Australia is particularly well positioned to lead a push for a new economic and environmental mode of thought.
This seminar brings together key players in the debates surrounding these issues, in order to breathe new life into the case for urgent and coordinated public policy action.
The seminar is hosted by the Institute of Advanced Studies, the Western Australian Policy Forum and the Institute for Progressive Policy.
Cost: Full RegistrationAUD $55.00, Concession/StudentsAUD $35.00
Confirmed participants:
Prof Alex Coram, Political Science and International Relations, UWA
Robert Cunningham, Law School, UWA
Simon Dawkins, General Manager, The Oil Mallee Association Inc
David Doepel, Director, Research Institute for Resource Technology, Murdoch University
Dr Carmen Lawrence, Professorial Fellow, UWA
Senator Scott Ludlam, Australian Greens Senator for WA
Prof Thomas Lyons, Environmental Science, Murdoch University
The Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLA, Shadow Minister for Regional Development, WA
David Ritter, Greenpeace, UK and Lecturer, Law School, UWA
Ben Wyatt, MLA, Shadow Treasurer, WA
John Marsden, Marsden Jacob Associates
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