EVENT: Breakfast by the Bay with Professor Richard Weller
Breakfast by the Bay with Professor Richard Weller : A Big Australia? Alternative urban growth scenarios |
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Throughout his career Professor Richard Weller has worked
selectively on significant and often large scale urban projects around the world. He is renowned for combining teaching, research and practice as a Professor of Landscape Architecture at The University of Western Australia.
This breakfast will see Professor Weller discussing some of the urban consequences of Australia’s mid-century growth
projections at a national level and then relate this to Western Australia. He will demonstrate a simple method for engaging both decision makers and the wider public in regional planning issues by explaining his recent research into modelling development scenarios for the future of Perth.
For bookings please contact Club Reception on 6488 8770 or visit www.universityclub.uwa.edu.au
Price: Members $39/Guests $49 or $390 for a table of 10
Price includes a sit down two-course breakfast and presentation by Richard Weller, Professor of Landscape Architecture at The University of Western Australia and author of the critically acclaimed book, Boomtown 2050.
Proudly supported by the UWA Business School
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- Locations of venues on the Crawley and Nedlands campuses are
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